Paintings of Paulette Snijders.
Paulette Snijders makes large and small, mostly figurative paintings. The depiction of movement, music and myths are the common thread running through the work. The woman as a mystery is the central theme. The woman who loves, but also elusive...... These beautiful paintings can be seen in her studio "De Aalbekerhoeve" in South Limburg.
Its all in my dream 1987 Mixed technics on paper 105x100 cm
The Lord of the Rings 1992 Oil on canvas 80x120 cm

Pellet lady, Mixed technics on canvas 95x95 cm

A moment fot yourself Litho 47x60 cm

Cruise in the mediterranean sea Mixed technics on canvas 120x50 cm

Cruise in the mediterranean sea Mixed technics on canvas 120x50 cm